To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow
Apr 05, 2021 09:10AM ● By Jan SouthernEffingham Magazine set out to find a beautiful garden in the community to showcase in our 2021 Home & Garden issue. We received several nominations, but one gardener—Tina Anderson-King—really stood out.
A Guyton resident since 2014, Tina gained her love of gardening from her grandmother and has spent more than 50 years “digging in the dirt.”
Tina does all of her lawn and garden work herself. From weed eating, edging, and tending to the flowers, she loves being outdoors and connecting with nature and God’s creations.
A mother of two sons—Bret Anderson of Effingham County and Bryan Anderson of Atlanta—Tina finds gardening very therapeutic. She feels closer to God in the garden more than anywhere else. “I love gardening,” she says, “It’s a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself.”
“It’s not important who does the planting or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seeds grow.” Tina says.
We hope you enjoy seeing Tina’s beautiful garden as much as we did!