Best of Effingham Sponsorship
Aug 06, 2022 03:02PM ● By Jan Southern
Get your business in front of thousands of voters and loyal readers as a Sponsor of the Best of Effingham Awards for 2022.
All Sponsorships include an ad in the Best of Effingham October/November 2022 issue.
- Full page ad in Effingham Magazine’s Best of Effingham edition ($1,100 value)
- Logo on sponsor thank you page in Best of Effingham issue
- Display ad (sidebar) on all Best of Effingham pages on
- Logo and mention on social media posts about the awards
- Logo on photo backdrop at the event
- Table display at event
- Marketing materials available at the event (must provide)
- Half page ad in Effingham Magazine’s Best of Effingham edition ($725 value)
- Logo on sponsor thank you page in Best of Effingham issue
- Logo and mention on social media posts about the awards
- Display ad on sidebar display ad on for 2 months
- Quarter page ad in Effingham Magazine’s Best of Effingham edition ($525)
- Logo and mention on social media posts about the awards
- Display ad on sidebar display ad on for one month
Let us know below what sponsorship level you would like.
If you have any questions, email [email protected]